How to make a Trampoline Fort – 4 Steps Easy Guide

Building a trampoline fort is an easy and interesting activity that you can do and build it. It only takes around an hour to complete this whole task and make a nice outdoor stay for you and your kids during the summers.

To build the trampoline fort place the blankets side by side with the help of pegs and cover the trampoline nets from all sides. Then take a double bedsheet to cover the top and cover the trampoline mat with a bedsheet to make a comfortable floor.

Things Required

  • 2 Double Bedsheet
  • Multiple Blankets(depends on trampoline size, e.g. 6 blankets for 8 foot trampoline)
  • Pillows
  • Pegs
  • Lights
  • Electricity connection for lights

DIY Guide to build a Trampoline Fort

You can build a trampoline fort with the things present in your house and enjoy the summer night out in your yard.

Step 1: Place the blankets over the Safety net

Take a blanket and place it over any side of the safety net. Fix it by putting the pegs on the safety net. Repeat the process by placing blankets side by side and fixing them with pegs.

Make sure there is no space left in between two blankets, put together two blankets side by side, and put pegs over them. The lower end of the blankets can be fixed by fixing the blankets with the spring pads.

Step 2: Place the bedsheet over the top and make the roof

With the help of pegs place the end of the bedsheet over the top of the net and make a cover that is the roof. Put the pegs over the bedsheet from the outside. After placing pegs from all sides your trampoline fort is built.

Step 3: Place pillows inside

To make the stay comfortable place pillows.

Step 4: Setup electricity connection and lights

To stay inside the trampoline fort during the night setup the lights inside the trampoline and electricity connection to lit the lights. You can take portable extension board to lit the lights.

The lighted trampoline fort looks amazing during night.

Read Next: Guide to install in-ground Trampoline

How to Turn a Trampoline into a Pool

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